Tuesday 5 January 2016

Implication of small RNA as epigenetic information carrier in sperm –Science 2015!!

 Due to the word limit of 3000, key subtleties/rationale/insights obtained from our data were emitted. Furthermore, this made the paper essentially incomprehensible for anyone not in the field of small-RNAs/sperm biogenesis (I think). Even in its original length when we submitted to Cell, some reviewers had trouble understanding rationale behind key experiments. To supplement scientific discussion about our exciting findings in this paper, I took the initiative to elaborate on some of these missing pieces. This is not meant as a summary of what we wrote in the paper, but an extension of what we found and its implications. Obviously I am not the most qualified author to do so. Alas, everything written here represents my personal opinion, and in no way reflects my co-authors/colleagues’ views of the science itself. If I misrepresented either our or others’ science, or events that have transpired, please accept my sincerest apologies here.

Can experiences of the parents be passed on to their kids biologically (not through teaching, commonly referred to as environment), and not through DNA (or classical genetics)? Parental diet and other stresses have long been postulated to impact offspring development. Famously, the Dutch Hunger Winter provided important epidemiological evidence that dietary restriction to the parents could influence their kids in biological ways that don’t appear to be simply genetic (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_famine_of_1944). This phenomenon is termed epigenetic inheritance (For detailed review of diet and epigenetic inheritance, please see “I’m eating for two..” Rando and Simmons 2015 Cell).

In 2010, our lab published a paper (Carone et al. 2010 Cell) reporting that male mice fed a low protein diet sired offspring that have altered liver metabolic phenotype, mainly in the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway. Paternal epigenetic inheritance was still a controversial (actually it is still controversial, a lot of people don’t believe it occurs at all), but our paper and others solidified the role that fathers can play in altering offspring phenotype epigenetically. Other labs reported, in addition to low protein diet, other diets such as high fat diet, and social stresses such as social defeat, can influence offspring phenotype. One of my personal favorites is early childhood trauma, specifically separating them from their mother (Gapp et al. 2014, Nature Neuroscience). Surprisingly, the authors removed all doubt that this information was passed on from the sperm by using In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) – mice developed from IVF using sperm from mice that suffered trauma also showed behavioral and metabolic phenotype. 

Now this is all very intriguing, but how is the information passed on? Or like my friend Juliano likes to say, everyone and their fucking cousin want to know the mechanism (inside joke). Interestingly, the Gapp study indicates that the information is stored in small RNAs that are carried by the sperm. This is a very exciting possibility, but a little more about sperm to understand why this is so groundbreaking.

The Sperm – an amazing cell
Every cell type has their particular awesomeness, but I think sperm is definitely one of the most awesome. We already know quite a lot about sperm. Mature sperm is a haploid cell, and during its development from a diploid germ cell, sperm not only loses half its DNA but becomes devoid of most organelles that all eukaryotic cells contain. All sperm is conventionally thought to retain are mitochondria in the mid-portion of the sperm tail (mid-piece), and obviously the haploid nucleus, its main cargo. During this process, everything that makes a normal cell is degraded – ribosomes (translation of proteins), endoplasmic reticulum, etc. The mitochondria are extremely important since the sperm needs energy to swim through the female reproductive tract to reach the oocyte (egg). Once there, sperm also carry enzymes on the front of its head (the acrosome, which undergoes reactions to activate these enzymes called capacitation) that allows it to penetrate the tough exterior of the oocyte. It is now believed that after the sperm head breaks through the cellular membrane of oocyte, it kind of fuses with the oocyte and expels its content – the nucleus, and also the midpiece, containing the mitochondria. Since we all only carry our mother’s mitochondria, this means that the male mitochondria are specifically targeted for degradation (this is really cool! I included this because it’s awesome, but also illustrates the complexity of fertilization and early stages of mammalian life). This also means that nothing is supposed to be contributed by sperm other than its haploid genome. Then, if any epigenetic information is to be passed on, this information must reside somehow in the genome itself, or changes to DNA methylation or histone marks.

A few papers have reported changes in DNA methylation and histone modifications, but these changes are surprising for two major reasons. First, during spermatogenesis DNA is repackaged from histones into protamines. While some studies suggest that histones are retained in certain regions of the genome, the regions change depending on how you treat the sperm for deep-sequencing and the field is still very much in flux. Studies from Antoine Peters and Bradley Cairnes labs suggest that histones are retained in promoter regions of genes that are involved in development. Therefore the marks of these histones, which can theoretically be modified during spermatogenesis in response to environmental changes, can influence phenotype in the offspring. However, data from our lab suggest that histones are probably not retained in promoters, but instead in gene desserts. In addition, these histone marks must become diluted during cleavage of the zygote. How then, can they impact gene expression later into the offspring’s life? Histone marks are definitely not copied faithfully in a developing zygote… This leads to the second point. DNA methylation is globally erased during spermatogenesis, and once again during zygotic activation, in addition to histone marks. While there are regions in the genome that escape demethylation, these regions are usually also gene desserts, and are thought to not contribute to gene regulation. Additionally, how can environmental stress impact differential demethylation in the germ-line? The testis is thought to be separated from the rest of the body (soma-germline barrier), famously postulated by August Weismann.

If we entertain the possibility that the sperm carries potential carriers of epigenetic information other than the well-known DNA methylation and histone modifications, what can these be? Little is known about what other contents of the sperm, if any, are absorbed into the oocyte. Even less is known about how these contents can be altered during the maturation of sperm, a critical period where changes in the environment could theoretically influence the development of sperm, which can then lead to changes in payload, and therefore information passed on to the offspring. But even if we understand what these magic epigenetic contents are, and how they become influenced by the environment as the sperm matures, we know nothing about how changes to these contents can influence development of the offspring. The sperm head is tiny compared to the oocyte (the entire sperm with the very long tail measures 1/3 of the oocyte), so what can it carry with its limited space that can influence anything in the oocyte?

Small RNAs in sperm?
            To reiterate: since everything is degraded as the sperm matures, what other contents can conceivably be epigenetically modified during sperm maturation, and passed on into the oocyte, eventually influencing the development of the zygote (fertilized oocyte)? Small RNAs have long been understood in other organisms to carry epigenetic information. Small-interfering RNAs (siRNAs) in bacteria fed to worms can be transmitted many generations to silence genes, and their pathways have been very well laid out by efforts of Dr. Craig Mello, nobel laureate from our institute, and many other amazing scientists. Small RNAs also play very important role in epigenetic inheritance in plants, famously purported by a giant in the field Dr. Rob Martienssen. This is where the link to small RNAs in the Gapp paper was so intriguing. Obviously this possibility was realized much earlier than the Gapp paper (circa 2008/2009?, maybe earlier), and people in the lab have been trying to sequence small RNAs in sperm of low protein vs. control fathers since 2010 (I think).
Interestingly, sperm contain very little intact RNA, but surprisingly abundant amounts of small RNAs. This is not that surprising given that RNAs are degraded during sperm maturation, right? Well, it doesn’t appear that these small RNAs are simply degradation products. First, there are abundant micro-RNAs, small RNAs that are known to serve biological function in moderating gene expression. In addition, there is an over-representation of “tRNA-halves” with characteristic length in our deep-sequencing results, we judge to be at least 10,000-50,000 copies of the most abundant tRNA-half species. These so called “tRNA-halves”/tRFs map to the 5’ of tRNAs, particularly those that are more abundant in most cells, such as tRNA-Glycine and tRNA-Valine. In the literature, tRNA-halves are characteristic cleavage products by a protein called Angiogenin in mammalian cell lines, particularly during stress. The stress part we think is a red herring, but supports the claim that tRFs are not random degradation products. However, whether these tRFs in mature sperm are cleavage products of Angiogenin is unknown, and is actively under investigation in the lab.

On tRF biogenesis
            The origin of tRFs in mature sperm, regardless of the protein that makes them, is one of the most controversial parts of our paper, and there is debate even within our lab as to where tRFs in mature sperm come from. As sperm transit through the male reproductive tract from the testis, where it is not yet motile, to the cauda, where it becomes motile and “mature”, it transits through a very long winding tubule/organ called the epididymis. The epididymis is a very active organ in that it secretes tons of vesicles that appear to fuse with the developing sperm to help/nuture it to maturity, a process well worked out by Robert Sullivan and others. Actually, this is controversial because it was shown in a very old paper that sperm could mature in an artificial epididymis that is devoid of vesicles, and that all the sperm really needs is time, which the epididymis provides with its slow flow from the testis to the cauda. This controversy aside, many in the field believe that vesicles shed by the epididymis, particularly exosomes, or epididymosomes, carry important proteins to aid the sperm maturation process.
In our paper, we isolated small-RNAs from epididymosomes and deep-sequenced them. Intriguingly, the payload of epididymosomes at various regions of the epididymis very closely mirrors that of the sperm isolated from those regions. Either this is a gigantic coincidence or epididymosomes can fuse with sperm and deliver its cargo, including small-RNAs to sperm as it transits through the epididymis. An alternative hypothesis is simply that we are not washing the sperm well and that epididymosomes are stuck on them. This doesn’t seem to be the case, since stringent washes and treatment with lysis buffer that all but destroys everything except sperm, leaves the small-RNA profile of sperm pretty much the same. Another way to argue for our case is that if small-RNAs are delivered by epididymosomes, there should not be much of these tRFs, for example, in testicular sperm, those that have yet to enter the epididymis. Well, we couldn’t yet isolate enough testicular sperm for small-RNA sequencing so we did the next best thing, isolating late spermatids and also small-RNA deep-sequencing whole testis. Here, we found very low levels of tRFs, suggesting that tRFs indeed arise after sperm exit the testis. Lastly, we reconstituted epididymosomes and immature sperm and saw that the sperm actually “picked up” small-RNAs from the epididymosomes. All these data together suggest that the epididymosomes at least partially contribute to the small-RNA payload of maturing sperm.
However, there are a few interesting caveats/details we omitted due to word limit. First, all these experiments don’t rule out the possibility that tRFs and other small RNAs are cleaved in the sperm itself during maturation, and not only from epididymis fusion. In fact, data from our lab and other papers that have come out show that certain RNases exist in the acrosome and the midpiece, like Dicer, an important micro-RNA cleaver. In addition, it appears that tRFs go from next to zero to over 60% of sperm small-RNAs between a late spermatid and immature sperm in the initial segment of the epididymis. To me, this argues largely against the hypothesis that epididymis fusion contributes the majority of small-RNA payload in sperm, and that tRFs are mostly generated during the last stages of sperm elongation as the sperm enters the testicular lumen. To verify this, we have to sequence small-RNAs from testicular sperm. Eagerly looking forward to this data from us and others!

Why do we care about tRF biogenesis in sperm?
            Whether tRNAs are cleaved in situ or fused to sperm via exosomes is a debate for later. However, it seems clear that exosomes from the epididymis do indeed carry tRFs and do eerily track tRF payload in maturing sperm. As mentioned, the epididymis is a highly secretory organ that communicates with the rest of the body. This is then, intriguingly, the place where stresses to the parents can be “sensed” and metabolically coded/transferred to the sperm, then to the offspring! Is this the mammalian soma-to-germline transfer location that has eluded biologists for decades? This claim, not directly made in the paper but eluded to, is the most controversial, but interesting part of our paper.
            Our data shows that certain tRFs and micro-RNAs, particularly tRF-Glycine-GCC and let-7 family micro-RNAs, clearly differ in mature sperm isolated from fathers fed different diets. Manipulating levels of these tRFs, particularly tRF-Glycine-GCC, in the oocyte significantly influences expression of a set of genes during zygotic-genome activation at the two-cell stage. We also see changes in these genes when we manipulate tRF levels in embryonic stem cells, an easier model to work with and also giving us an additional line of evidence that tRFs regulate the expression of these genes during early development. Serendipitously, these genes that change expression have been previously shown to impact gastrulation – specifically the number of cells that become the placenta, a key modulator of metabolism in the development offspring.

            In summary: diet impacts tRFs in sperm (through the epididymis, we think), which appear to influence expression of certain genes in the developing zygote that can influence its metabolic phenotype later in life. The data presented in our paper may not be conclusive in certain places, but it raises very interesting questions and possibilities, and represents a rich resource for developmental biologists interested in small-RNAs in developing sperm and how changes in these small-RNAs could influence gene expression in the zygote.
We have amassed a tremendous amount of high quality deep-sequencing data, including hundreds of single-embryo RNA-sequencing, small-RNA libraries from sperm of various developing stages, and ribosome-profiling data from embryonic stem cells. In addition, our paper presents data from not only mice but also bull, lending evolutionary significance to the results. Finally, our paper presents a unifying theory for paternal epigenetic inheritance!

Angry rant: On word limits
Who doesn’t want to publish in the prestigious journals Science, Nature, and Cell? Who knew how hard it was to do so? Well I had some inkling of how hard it could be, but the actual process from our perspective was much more difficult than reasonable expectation, and what we ended up with felt like a sell-out, frankly speaking. Of course you’re saying, you published in Science why are you complaining. To paraphrase my boss, dude, our paper ended up being only 3000 words long! That means each word cost the National Institute of Health a few thousand dollars (assuming a million dollars per year)!!! That also means the work of twenty people over three-four years, ideas that have developed over a decade by one of the smartest people I know (my boss), cannot be summarized in more words than a middle-school book report. We did not even have enough space to explain why we did the experiments. Yes one could explain themselves in the supplementary information, but who really reads that? (Honestly, I don’t even know if the reviewers read that in much detail, and for our paper to be described as descriptive by a particular reviewer? Isn’t the idea of a scientific paper to “describe” science?) Anyways, if this is what it takes to publish for that word at the end of everyone’s CV – Science – I don’t think it’s worth it. Who knows, in an age where nobody has enough attention span to read more than 3000 words at a time, it probably doesn’t matter anyways…
No! Science, the namesake of the journal we published in, shouldn’t be limited by the attention span of the reviewers or the editor or the journalist that is reporting the “groundbreaking” science. Particularly since we are in the electronic age, word limits seem particularly ridiculous. I’d personally rather publish in a journal that doesn’t have word limits, thank you very much. Too many times I have read very important papers in my field and was left with a bad taste in my mouth, by how much detail was lacking to fully comprehend the science, by how much great work have been skipped over and piled in the supplementary, by how jam-packed the figures are the fonts in them give me a headache to attempt to read. The process is flawed, and some are trying to fix it. For example, I love elife! But to truly change how big journals operate, we need to abolish the all but too common practice of looking at the only the journal names on someone’s CV. We need to take power away from big journals, and make them small. In economics this is called monopolies. Science, Nature, and Cell would have been sued for competition lawsuits. They cannot have a monopoly over “impactful science”! The toxic cycle of big journals controlling the content of published materials should be abolished!

Friday 9 January 2015

Taste of Home – An Authentic Chinese Dumpling Recipe

Dalian, China. Where I call home. It has been two years since my last visit.
As the plane descends, the lights of the city reflects off the dark surface of the sea. My heart beats faster for the prospect of seeing my parents for the first time in months. Hugs and tears ensue. People in the crowded waiting hall addressed us with puzzled looks. Chinese people are not used to this much emotional outpour. I don’t care.
Driving home, I begin to notice immense changes. The roads are wider and newly paved. An entirely new high-speed railway has been built in the two years of my absence, connecting Dalian to the ever-expanding high-speed transportation axis of China.
            I wake up before dawn due to jet-lag. Damn it. Was going to enjoy the sunrise, but the smog unfortunately covered it. Looking across the sea, I spot entirely new buildings I did not even realize were being built two years ago. Cranes for ship building and the new port built across the bay crowd my skyline.
            This used to be a tranquil view. Mountains and forests in the distance, contrasting sharply with the bright blue-green ocean. The high-rises used to be at the edge of the visible skyline, now they impose on me, even from my sixth floor balcony. The smog scrapes as high as the sky, covering everything in a grey, choking, claustrophobic contour. Home is not like it used to be.

            All this, for what? Economic progress, of course. Chinese people have to eat. They have to pollute their atmosphere and their lungs full of carcinogens, making minimum wage (like $300/month minimum), working day and night, to make toys for fat American kids, or that fifth pair of Nike shoes. All the while, real estate prices continue to sky-rocket, food prices expand, and clothes, made in China, are sold at a higher price in China then after being exported to the US. This is Capitalism.
            Anyways. It’s not all bad, for me at least. It’s all good actually, especially the food. I really missed the food. A simply bowl of congee with poached egg for breakfast. Some Korean BBQ for lunch. Dumplings for dinner. Life is good.    

About dumplings. It’s comfort food. Ask an American, and the answer will usually be mac & cheese or grilled cheese. Ask a Chinese person, and you will probably hear an overwhelming outcry of dumplings.
This is because, for a lot of Chinese people, this simple dish of boiled meat stuffed in dough represents much more than just a delicious food, but cherished memories of home, of comfort, of family. Even though my home has been demolished by the now uber-capitalism totalitarian communist government (figuratively and literally, actually, my childhood home was literally torn down to accommodate an expanded road), my family remains intact. After a long day of breathing in cancer-causing air, suffering the crowded streets and dangerous traffic, bearing the unreasonable prices for food and shelter, at least we can still sit down together, and enjoy a heart-warming, steaming bowl of delicious, succulent dumplings with our loved ones.

Some things just don’t change, like mom’s dumplings. And that’s why its comfort food. Just like I remember.

For the dough
-       White enriched all-purpose flour (DO NOT use brown flour, this will ruin the dumplings, I will hunt you down)
-       Warm water ~ 30°C (about half of that of flour in volume)
Note: Unfortunately, Chinese people don’t measure things usually by cup, but by eye. I say 2 cups of flour will make enough dumplings for 3-4 people.
For the filling
-       Your favorite ground meat ( ~ 1 pound)
o   Suggested are pork and lamb, can also use fish (preferably white, non-oily fish like perch or sole)
o   Pork is most common in China, followed by lamb, chicken (can also use ground turkey)
-       Your favorite soft leafy vegetable (chop, diced, and minced into extremely fine pieces, should be same volume as ground meat)
o   Suggested are chives, Napa cabbage. If using lamb, suggest carrots that have been boiled till soft (my personal favorite)
-       Shrimp (optional, best with pork), diced into rather large pieces
-       Mushrooms (optional, best with chicken or turkey)
-       Ginger
-       Green onion
-       Garlic (optional)
o   Sautee until soft the following, in finely diced form
o   Mushrooms, carrots, hard flavored tofu, black fungus, cabbage, egg (fried first, added last), garlic, ginger, green onion
o   Set aside until cool and proceed as filling
-       Season according to personal taste with salt, pepper, sesame oil, soy sauce, rice/balsamic/”Lao Chen Cu” vinegar (for details on how much, see below).
  1. Mix the dough. Start with flour in a bowl, add water very slowly, mixing with the other hand. Should mix until all the flour becomes tiny pieces of dough, with very little if no pure dry flour left.
a.    Note all of the dough steps can be skipped if you buy some dumpling skin from the local Asian supermarket, but this will not lead to optimally delicious dumplings. The store bought ones are too evenly thick, too thick in general (bad dough to filling ratio), and also sometimes stale (bad texture) and not chewy enough (no gluten formation from proper kneading). But this will also save you 90% of time. Your choice.
  1. Combine and knead the dough. Don’t overdo it, just until it’s combined.
  2. Let sit for at least 30 minutes at room temperature for the gluten to form (will add extra doughy texture to the dumplings).
  3. Meanwhile, combine all the filling. Add seasoning. You will know the filling is at proper level of seasoning when you can smell a salty mouthwatering aroma when putting your nose close to the filling. If you are worried, just fry a bit up and taste it. It should be pretty salty (remember you are filling it in dough).
  4. KEY STEP. Add water to the filling while mixing, until the filling reaches almost a soupy consistency. This will make the meat juicy and the filling succulent. Most people don’t do this step and their dumpling ends up tasting quite dry and blend. You’re welcome.
  5. Now the dough should be ready. Split a piece off about the size of your fist. Knead until smooth.
  6. IMPORTANT: use a large flat surface for this, preferably with one person doing the dough and one or more persons making the dumplings.
  7. Flour the surface. Make the dough rather flat and round. Make a hole in the middle of the dough ball. Start working the dough into a thin bagel like shape, turning the dough while trying to make the dough cylinder thinner and thinner. When the thickness of the dough is about 1.5 fingers in diameter, split the circle into one straight long cylinder.
  8. Keep smoothing out the dough with your hand until evenly thick throughout. Cut the dough into bits the size a little larger than your upper dumb, turning the dough cylinder after every cut (this will help keep the shape of the dough pieces consistent, if not, it will be hard to roll out the dough into circles).
  9. Flour the pieces extensively, mix until every piece is covered with dry flour. Flatten out the pieces with your palm into a circle with a single press.
  10. Roll with a small rolling pin, one hand on the edge of the dough, turning it, while the other rolls into the center of the dough circle with even and gentle pressure throughout. Keeping turning and rolling at the same time until you get a pretty thin circle. Flour the rolling surface extensively so that the dough circle doesn’t stick to the table or the rolling pin, destroying the circle.
a.     This is the hardest part of the whole operation, but needs to be mastered for authentic dumplings. If you cut out dough circles with a cup, the thickness will be too even and when you wrap, you might leak the filling. Make sure you practice or learn from a master. Don’t listen to anyone who doesn’t roll out the dough this way. This is the only proper way of making dumpling skin. If someone tells you to do it another way, they are believers of a false god.
  1. As the dumpling skins are rolled out, the other person can start making the dumplings.
  2. The dumpling skins should be about the size of the center of your palm.
  3. Fill the dumpling skin with about a table spoon of filling. Your should fill as much as possible, being sure to leave enough dough space around the filling so that you can make the dumpling. If the filling touches the dough, it will not stick anymore, and the filling will spill everywhere in the water you boil it in, making bowls of empty skin and dumpling filling soup. (Which is fine too, if you like that kind of thing.) If you are really struggling, you can always fry the dumplings, the leaky filling won’t interfere with this.
  4. Wrap the dumpling, Start from one end, start sticking one side of the dough with the other side, until the whole thing is sticking together from the middle, like a half moon. Now your can make crimps in the sticking (only dough) part by folding bits of dough over the top of each other. This will help ensure the dumplings don’t explode while boiling. You can also squeeze the dough part between the sides of your thumb and index finger (this is technically challenging, not recommended for beginners).
  5. Put finished dumplings on a non-stick surface (plastic mats, baking plates lined with parchment paper). If the process takes a long time, cover your dumplings with a semi-wet piece of clothe to prevent them from drying out. Do not let dumplings touch each other since they will stick together almost immediately.
  6. Boil dumplings.
  7. KEY STEP: boil large pot of water. Place enough dumplings into pot until basically the surface area of dumplings is the same as the pot. DO NOT PUT TOO MUCH IN, they will stick together. Best to do in batches. Use a spatula to continuously scrape the bottom to prevent dumplings from sticking to the bottom of the pot. The dumplings will float to the top after about 3-5 minutes. Turn down heat to medium, cover. The water will start to boil over after about 30 seconds to a minute, open the cover at this time. The boil-over will stop. Repeat this twice.
  8. Serve with dipping sauce. You can simply combine soy sauce with balsamic vinegar or rice vinegar. You can also put some sriracha or wasabi in it.
Authentic dumpling dipping sauce:
-       Peal garlic bulbs.
-       Using a mortar and pestle, ground the garlic with some salt.

-       Add Chinese vinegar, preferably “Lao Chen Cu” until covering garlic completely. 

Friday 14 November 2014

Interstellar, and the Bravery of Great Scientists

            A myriad of thoughts race through my brain moments after the end credits of Interstellar started rolling. Despite the movie being a little (maybe a lot) too ambitious, there were many interesting elements to explore in the dark hole that is my brain. Confusion abound, but one word stood out in the horizon – bravery (you’ll get the puns if you watched the movie).
            The courage that Cooper, Brand, and the other astronauts had. To venture into the unknown. This concept is no stranger to fans of science fiction. However, the concept is often described as a sense of wonder, that the sense of curiosity and wonder is the underlying drive behind the brave space explorers who dare to risk their life to explore new worlds. What stands out to me most about these story-lines, is the courage. And the faith. The faith that Cooper and Brand put into Professor Brand, the trust they had for his vision, despite it being built upon a lie.
These are movie characters, but we see this in real life space exploration. Only last year did tens of thousands of people sign up for a one-way trip to Mars. Most people think that these people must be crazy. They must not have much to live for on Earth, that they are so desperate for attention, or an escape, or fame and a name in the history books. However, when you read into these people’s stories, most of them appear to be very reasonable and rational people. Most of these people have loving families who support their decision. Some are couples that signed up together, knowing that there is an insurmountable chance that only one of them will be picked for the mission. Why are these seemingly rational, intelligent, people making these seemingly rash, irresponsible decisions?
Economists explain that people are inherently irrational. But are they? To us, the weather appears to be irrational (there is a 60% chance of rain my ass, weather-man). We know that the weather is rational though. We just don’t have all the data to make accurate predictions. If we had enough data and a super-super computer, we could predict the weather to nearly 100% accuracy. Yes, our understanding of the weather is already at this level, but our technology is lagging behind. Maybe humans are indeed rational, and we just don’t have enough understanding and ways to quantify our thoughts to predict our actions accurately. By definition, if we can summarize all of our thought patterns, even if they are “irrational” from an outsider perspective, they must be rational. When we do things at a given moment, we do think that we are making rational decisions. It is only after the fact, when we have more data (actual outcome of our actions, probably very negative outcomes that have caused us much pain), do we realize that the decisions were not rational.
What am I trying to get at? I think that we are all rational beings, it is that we do not have enough data, or ways to measure what has happened, to make accurate predictions, so we make seemingly irrational decisions. But this is bravery. It is venturing into the unknown, when there isn’t enough data yet to accurately predict what will be the outcome, putting faith (not “blind” faith, since nobody really does that) in other people and the data they have provided you. That is courage.
From this view of the universe, everyone has been, and will be, extremely brave at some point in their life. Every single person has put their faith into what someone else told them, and acted accordingly. We do this not only because we don’t have enough time to measure every single data point, but because we are inherently trusting beings. But trust requires bravery, because we have to believe that the person we trust has our best interests in mind, or at least share a common benefit from whatever they are trying to convince us to endeavor.
How does this relate to science? Or to molecular biology, my field of study? Well, some of the bravest people I know are scientists. They might not be brave in that they dare to explore black holes, or jump off a cliff, or fight a bear, but they are brave in that they give their life to exploring the unknown. They pour their intelligence, their time, their money, their everything, into something that nobody has a clue about. They put forth this incredible sacrifice because of the slight chance that they might become a faculty member, only to suffer even greater unknowns, long nights writing grants that will be denied, failed projects, failed graduate students? I think not. They put forth this incredible sacrifice because they put their faith in their mentor, their post-doc advisor, their Ph.D. mentor, their boss. They believe that their mentor has given them a project that will flourish and explain something about the universe that nobody has ever known, that will help others to understand the universe, to cure disease, to uncover the meaning of life. Their mentor in turn puts great faith into the ability and integrity of their student or post-doc, that they will be able to execute the experiments needed to uncover this great piece of knowledge no one has ever known.
Recently, my mentor, Oliver Rando, received a huge grant from the National Institute of Health, a Pioneer Award. $500,000 will be awarded to our lab each year for five years to explore the mechanism(s) of intergenerational epigenetic inheritance. These awards are rewarded to proposals with a high risk but high reward potential. Most of the grant stems from work done by Upasna Sharma, a post-doc in the lab. When she joined the lab, previous lab members have been working for years to uncover possible pathways of epigenetic information transfer, to no avail. The lab was well-funded but not greatly so. The lab was modest in size, and a focus on chromatin modifications. The mouse project looked promising, but with no clear direction. However, she put her faith on Ollie (that’s what we called our boss), and Ben (a previous post-doc), and Jeremy (a Ph.D. candidate who has been working on the project for 6 years), in the data they have generated, in the direction that Ollie envisioned for the project. She trusted these people. And she was extremely brave on taking on this project. In less than a year, her work has shown that tRNA fragments, a type of small-RNAs, appear to be transferred to sperm via exosomes during its maturation, and that these tRNA fragments might carry some sort of epigenetic message to the offspring, leading to higher expression of a set of genes important for placental formation, and thus may contribute to differential metabolic patterning in the offspring. I have to admit, I would not have been brave enough to take on the project if I was in her position. I would have said that she was being irrational. But look where her bravery has taken her, and taken me, and taken the lab. Ollie has received a huge grant directly from the data she has collected, and now the lab is expanding. We now have the resources and man-power to study everything related to this project. We are even buying our own deep-sequencing machine??!!!!?!?!!?!
To all the brave people in the world, I raise my glass to you. Your actions may seem irrational from an outsider’s perspective. They might prove to be bad decisions in the end (alternatively, is any decision ever a “bad” decision”?), but you made the decision. You dedicated your life to these decisions. You trusted someone, or many people at the same time, to make these decisions. You dared to venture into the unknown, knowing the risks that you would have to take, but you endured, and you came through the worm hole into the other side, and the other side, is oh so beautiful. That is bravery. That is love. That is what we are. We are scientists.

Saturday 20 September 2014

Is aerobic training better than resistance training for weight loss? Part II

Not surprisingly, aerobic training is more effective than resistance training for weight loss. However, caveats abound. Please read on…
From the literature review, it becomes clear to me two things. Exercise scientists should foster collaborations, agree on a common methodology to measure something, and combine efforts for recruitment to increase participant number. This would make the literature much less muddled and difficult to navigate.
Before I go deeper, however, I wanted to state my opinions.
First, I think exercise should not be for weight loss. I believe that exercise should be an integral part of everyone’s life. Our bodies were evolutionarily designed to walk for days (see controversial books written on this subject such as “Born to run”, great read by the way), we were not meant to sit around all day. Yes life requires us to sit around for hours before the computer, but that doesn’t mean you can’t spare one hour out of your day exercising (that’s 1/16 of your time awake, be honest and say you don’t spend more time on social media). It’s for your own health and longevity, sanity and happiness (yes it has been shown in gazillions of studies that exercise leads to these things, we shouldn’t need to argue this).
Second, you should eat healthier. I know I should, and I already eat better than you. Our bodies are not designed to ingest so much rich, processed, garbage. Eat nutritious food and begin to enjoy it. You will feel better about yourself and who you are.
Third, stop making excuses for yourself. If you truly want to be healthy do it today. Make plans and discipline yourself. I know plenty of extremely busy people who somehow work in time to exercise. My MSc mentor runs to work pushing his baby in front of him. My PhD mentor has a treadmill-desk in his office that he walks on all day, and he’s one of the most prolific scientists I’ve ever met. You know that everything that you treasure in your life, you’ve had to work your ass off for. Reward takes dedication and hard work. Don’t think that health is something else. Health requires discipline and hard work.
Now I feel better. Now let’s talk about how exercise science is done.
Aerobic vs. resistance training
Aerobic training (AT) is generally defined in the field as moderate intensity exercise (50-70% VO2max) for at least 30 minutes, usually done on a treadmill, exercise bike, or ergometer (Howley et al. 1994). VO2max, or maximum oxygen consumption/uptake, defines the aerobic physical fitness of a person (Howley et al. 1994; Ronnestad and Mujika2014). This test, if properly conducted, needs to involve a graded exercise test on a treadmill or cycle ergometer. Exercise intensity is gradually increased, while oxygen and carbon dioxide intake and output values are measured (yes you have heard of this test). However, this method is tedious and requires an expensive set-up. Therefore, estimates of VO2max can also be made, but these are not accurate measurements. Most studies I reviewed used an estimation for simplicity, a potential source of error.
Resistance/strength training (RT) involves repeated muscular contraction generated against an external resistance (weights/bodyweight). The stimulus of resistance against muscle contractions cause perturbations in skeletal muscle tissue that directly leads to muscular growth (i.e., hypertrophy; Schoenfeld 2010), and increases in strength, endurance, and coordination (Stone et al. 1991). Measures of improvement post-RT thus usually involve tests of strength, endurance, and lean mass. Strength and endurance improvements can of course be accurately quantified. However, body composition (body fat%/lean mass) measurements can be inaccurate when using techniques such as skinfold measurement (using calipers to measurement thickness of skin folds in certain areas then plugging the measurement into a general equation, Jackson and Pollock 1978), depending on the technician, and can introduce error into studies. Underwater weighing, applying Archimedes’ principle of the different relative densities of fat and muscle in water, is thought to be the most accurate measurement of body composition (Wilmore 1969). However, this method is tedious, and have been replaced largely by new, relatively accurate, technologies such as the BOD POD, which is a chamber that one sits in while the volume of air and the weight of a person is measured (like underwater weighing).
Lack of large randomized trials with conclusive evidence
            A large body of evidence supports AT and RT as important regimes to follow for general health maintenance (ex. Cardiovascular health, insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance, VO2max, body composition, bone density etc., Donnelly et al. 2009). The purpose of my blog is not to list these studies and their results, but to critically analyze the body of evidence that supposedly supports these conclusions.
Most of studies I found addressing effects of AT/RT on weight loss look at either exercise regimes alone, most likely due to a lack of participants (usually 20-30 total participants in each study). With such a small number of participants, sampling error starts to become a problem.
Furthermore, the population chosen is not random (a major statistical no-no). Majority of studies had overweight/obese participants that were sedentary before the study. Conclusions drawn from this subset of people cannot be extrapolated to the general population. Just because overweight/obese people have high chances of heart disease doesn’t mean an average person does as well, same goes for weight loss resulting from a certain amount or type of exercise. Additionally, if you already carry around a large amount of excess weight (hence “overweight”), your body is more likely to lose this weight.
As with cooking roast beef, studies of the effects of AT and RT cannot agree about methodology. For RT, some studies incorporated 2 days of exercise per week (Chilibeck et al. 1997), some 5 days per week (Yarasheski et al. 1993). Total time for studies ranged from 2 to 20 weeks. Some studies called for strict diet or calorie maintenance, while others did not. The exercises done were very different, although most were done using machines, which is I think the least effective way to do resistance training for general populations. One does not simply compare results of studies that incorporate such different programs. Needless to say, results vary tremendously from study to study. Some report weight loss but some don’t. However, most report a significant increase in lean mass and strength (Chilibeck et al. 1987; Starom et al. 1989; Starom et al. 1994; Prabhakaran et al. 1999; Yarashaski et al. 1993).
On the AT side, study methods were just as inconsistent. Studies were done on ergs (Geliebter et al. 1997; Miller et al. 2002; Posner et al. 1992; van Aggel-Leijssen et al., 2001), treadmill (Raz et al. 1994; Lambers et al. 2008), at between 40-70% VO2max, with a weekly exercise time between 120-225 minutes (4X30minute sessions to 4X1hour sessions). Some studies lasted a year (Anderson et al. 1995; Irwin et al. 2003), while others lasted 8 weeks (Geliebter et al. 1997). Study participants were very different, but mostly involved sedentary overweight individuals.
Results were abysmal for randomized trials of AT on weight loss. Average weight loss for participants were not higher than 3kg (Abe et al. 1997), with most hovering around 1kg even though the program lasted 1 whole year (Anderssen et al. 1995)!!! Why did they only lose 1 kg? Because the programming sucked. Anderssen et al. 1995 called for 3X/week of exercise at 50-60% max heart rate for one hour. This kind of workout plan was routine in all the studies. How can these people lose weight if they are not working hard enough? Intensity = results. Importantly, Anderssen et al. 1995 also incorporated a group that went on a diet restriction plan and exercised. This group lost an astonishing 6kg!!!! I will discuss the importance of diet on weight loss below.
The most systematic study addressing the effects of AT vs. RT on weight loss is a study led by Dr. William Kraus from Duke University Medical Center (Steutz et al. 2011; Willis et al. 2011). The study, published in two papers (I hate when people split data into different papers by the way), was a large randomized trial of 196 overweight/obese sedentary men and women doing either AT, RT, or both AT and RT for 8 months. The effect of these three exercise regimes on metabolic parameters (Steutz et al. 2011) and general weight loss parameters (Willis et al. 2011) were tracked and analyzed. All groups lost a significant amount of weight (2kg for AT only, AT and RT, 0.7kg for RT only). Interestingly, the AT alone group had the best results in fat loss, VO2max and metabolic parameters such as liver density. The RT, as expected, had the largest improvements in strength and lean mass.
Surprisingly, people doing both AT and RT (and therefore exercising for twice as long) did not show better weight loss, improvements in metabolic parameters, or strength increase than either the AT or RT alone. This does not mean that people doing AT and RT did not improve their strength and lean mass more than the AT alone group. However, it did not seem, at least in these middle-aged overweight men and women, that doing twice as much exercise meant twice the results. The results were still amazing though: AT and RT men and women on average dropped body fat percentage by 2%! Particularly considering that none of these people were put on a strict diet plan!
Some weird/interesting things in this study:
Even though both studies looked at the same group of people, the number of participants reported in each paper was different. Whether this was due to data missing from certain people, or because the data from these people did not bode well for the researchers’ conclusions is unknown.
Most importantly, the AT and RT group did both exercise regimes back to back. People get tired, especially sedentary people. Tired people don’t exercise well, and the amount of effort you put into something is definitely correlated with results (I’m not citing anything here because this statement is both philosophical and factual, if you have a problem with it you must be crazy). Therefore, I believe that AT+RT did not lead to additive effects on the parameters tested because the people were too tired to give their 110% in their second consecutive workout. I would have asked the people to commit more days to the study so that they can do aerobic training one day and resistance the next. I believe that this would have led to much better results for the AT+RT group.
Basically I find it hard believing that if one works out twice as hard one does not get twice the results. Call me a romantic. Also, if the participants were on put on a well-planned diet, their results would have been incredible!
In addition to exercise, diet is key
The importance of a diet supplementing an exercise plan is demonstrated (I think conclusively) by a meta-analysis study by Miller et al. 1997. A meta-analysis tries to combine data from different studies and measure the overall effect of a given treatment, here diet vs exercise, or both combined. Although many pitfalls arise, more trustworthy patterns emerge as factors that might bias studies are averaged, and data points (subjects) increase.
Over the 700 studies looked at by Miller et al. (1997), only 33 people on average participated in each study (this includes all the different groups). Most studies were not randomized, meaning the experimenters could introduce bias by accident. Frighteningly, most studies did not even include a control group!! Miller et al. (1997) also found that the type of people that participated in these studies were different. Exercise studies involved people who were younger and less obese, or not at all. One can imagine that a person with more unneeded body weight can lose weight and fat easier.
Regardless, the main findings of Miller et al. (1997) were incredible, if not slightly surprising to me: while exercise alone led to significant weight loss (3 kilograms), diet led to more than 10 kilograms of weight loss!! Surprisingly, people who did both diet and exercise did not have more significant weight loss than people who just went on a diet. However, these people were better able to maintain the weight lost after one year. It appears that while the common knowledge that diet and exercise are both important for weight loss, the well-known saying that it’s 80% nutrition and 20% exercise may hold true for the purpose of weight loss in overweight/obese individuals.
            From my review of the literature, it appears that most generally well-known fitness advice has strong scientific support. Despite the shortcomings in most exercise science studies, the overwhelming evidence supports the fitness myth: aerobic exercise is better for weight loss than resistance training. So, stop eating the roast beef and make some chicken breast and salad instead. 
Also, I know you don’t want to just lose weight. You want to be healthy. To be healthy and strong, you should improve your strength and do some resistance training. Go get it ;)

In my next blog post, I will critically discuss studies addressing the question: what is the most effective diet for losing weight and keeping off the pounds?
